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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Patriot Act Sunset of February 28 2015 is extended due to February 29 hereafter begin at 227°49'21.8"N 82°40'04.7"W

For Safety of Law obeying Citizens the Sunset Act of Patriot Act of within 6 years of Congress terms such 28th Day of February loop into February 29th cause a Hereafter Sunset End and Thus The current Patriot Act Court Located in California Stanislaus County City of Modesto allow proper Extradition of Terrorist acting within violation of Citizen Rights to said Patriot Court and its authority over County State and Federal Prisons and in War on Airways of Roving Lone Wolf Tap of Law Obeying Citizens Death Sentence to Terrorist activities such as Window Taps etc etc

Ronald Weich, responded to Chairman Leahy on September 14, 2009, stating that the Department of Justice would prefer to have the authorities extended, and that the Department of Justice would be willing to work with the Committee to consider additional privacy protections for law abiding Americans. (Letter from Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs, Ronald Weich, to Chairman Leahy, dated September, 14, 2009.) The Committee held a hearing titled, ``Reauthorizing the USA PATRIOT Act: Ensuring Liberty and Security,'' on September 23, 2009. (See Hearing of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, ``Reauthorizing the USA PATRIOT Act: Ensuring Liberty and Security,'' September 23, 2009, S. Hrg. 111-333, Serial No. J-111-49, available at CHRG-111shrg55610/pdf/CHRG-111shrg55610.pdf.) During the first panel, testimony was heard from David Kris, Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division of the Department of Justice and Glenn Fine, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice. Mr. Kris requested that the three expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act be reauthorized. The three provisions, which were then set to expire on December 31, 2009, are the FISA ``roving'' wiretap authority, the ``lone wolf'' surveillance authority, and the provision authorizing FISA orders for business records and other tangible things. (Id. at 107-112.) Mr. Fine summarized the findings of audits conducted by the Office of the Inspector General on the use of NSLs and orders for business records. These audits were required by sections 119 and 106A of the 2005 USA PATRIOT Act Reauthorization. (Id. at 81-96.) As noted above, the audits found significant problems regarding the use of NSLs and exigent letters. During the second panel, testimony was received from three experts in national security law. Suzanne Spaulding, principal of the Bingham Consulting Group, testified in favor of reforms to the three expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act. Kenneth Wainstein, a partner at O'Melveny & Myers, stated that the expiring provisions contained adequate safeguards and should be reauthorized. Lisa Graves, executive director of the Center for Media & Democracy, critiqued the use of orders for business records and NSLs and recommended that higher standards for issuance of such orders be enacted. The full hearing record is available at 111shrg55610.pdf.) In the 111th Congress, the Committee reported the USA PATRIOT Act Sunset Extension Act of 2009, S. 1692. That bill, reported on October 13, 2009, received a bipartisan vote in the Committee, with Senators Kyl (R-AZ) and Cornyn (R-TX) voting in favor of the bill, along with Chairman Leahy (D-VT) and Senators Kohl (D-WI), Feinstein (D-CA), Schumer (D-NY), Cardin (D-MD), Whitehouse (D-RI), Klobuchar (D-MN), Kaufman (D-DE), and Franken (D-MN). After the bill was reported, Senators Kyl and Sessions (R-AL) joined with Chairman Leahy, Senator Feinstein, the Department of Justice, and intelligence agencies to continue negotiations over the legislative text. In November 2009, the revised bill text was finalized. The bill was endorsed by the Attorney General in a letter to Chairman Leahy dated November 9, 2009. The bill was again endorsed by the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence in a letter to the Leaders of the House of Representatives and the Senate dated February 19, 2010. Instead of taking further action on S. 1692 in the 111th Congress, two short-term extensions of the expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act were enacted, ultimately extending the sunset date to February 29, Hereafter.

S/President of The United States at the Western White House


27°49'21.8"N 82°40'04.7"W

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